Tuesday, 31 July 2018


Tuesday 30 July 2018

This guy has had his images stolen and used on Instagram, other social media, gaming and dating platforms online.  Please remember that he is as much a victim of the scammer as you are and never approach the real person.  They are usually aware of the problem and are fighting it as much as you are.

The real person in any accounts on any platforms is a guy called Jay McHugh

Handily on the following screenshot, he is pointing to his own name on the bulletin board and a reverse image search confirmed that he indeed is the person named above.

The following a screenshot of my laptop with a search for Jay McHugh.  This should convince you that anyone using his images is a fake out for a scam with you.

billgates62.gmil.c SCAMMER

Tuesday 31 July 2018

And the next one for today is this guy

And there is no need for a backstory with this guy because we have seen other accounts using the same photos and we have talked to some of them (before the days of the blog so we have no information from them).  However, they were fakes all using the same grooming tactics that they all use to get us to part with our hard earned cash.

The real guy in these images is Jay McHugh.

The guy in the photo is actually pointing to his name in this image.  He was discovered using a reverse image search by my friend but I don't have a copy of the screenshot of the resultant search of the image.

ericdavid3034 SCAMMER

Tuesday 31 July 2018

And the next one for today is this guy

And there is no need for his backstory because I have all the screenshots here of the conversation that I had with this scammer.  I just had to read some of his opening messages to realise he was a fake - please just look at all that cut and paste nonsense.  You can tell that seeing all that waffly rubbish makes me fall asleep and I really can't be bothered to answer properly - it encourages one word answers from me I am afraid to say.  These plus his sob story about his wife (America must be really unsafe the amount of ladies who die in labour, of car accidents or cancer) and child and his profession rang all the bells with me and I reported and blocked him quite quickly.

adamseric3798 SCAMMER

Tuesday 31 July 2018

And the next one for today is this guy   adamseric3798

There is no backstory for this guy and no screenshot of his Instagram profile page.  However, there are several screenshots of the conversation he had with a friend about her taking out a loan with his company.  Well actually he called it a low.  Really it beggars belief.  Needless to say she didn't fall for this scam.

campbellfrancisa1 SCAMMER

Tuesday 31 July 2018

And the next one for today is this guy

No need for a backstory here.  You will recognise this guy and realise that this is a fake account of an African scammer.

The real guy here is General John F Campbell.

There are a couple of screenshots of the conversation the scammer had with me for you to look at and read.

reginald.taylor443 SCAMMER

Tuesday 31 July 2018

And the next one for today is this guy

And there is no need for a backstory with this guy because he is definitely a faker out for a scam with you.  I don't know what his real name is but he appears on other scam buster websites and blogs.  Here are a couple of screenshots of his conversation with a friend of mine.  I suspect from reading the chat again that this one is a more seasoned scammer but scammer nevertheless.

davidfordt SCAMMER

Tuesday 31 July 2018

And the first for today is this guy

He is clearly a fake out for a scam because he is using the images of the British comedian David Walliams. 

Monday, 30 July 2018

General Curtis M Scaparrotti SCAMMED

Monday 30 July 2018

The real man here is General Curtis M Scaparrotti 

He is a General in the US Army and is the Army Chief in Europe.  I don't think he is going to be on Instagram looking for love somehow.

If you see any accounts on Instagram or other social media, gaming and/or online dating platforms using these images then you know that the person behind the account is fake and out for a scam with you in some way shape or form.  Avoid at all costs.

williammaxwell200 SCAMMER

Monday 30 July 2018

And the next one for today is this guy

There is no need for a backstory with this faker because a reverse image search proved to be successful.

As you can see above the real man in the images is US Army General Curtis M Scaparrotti.

And here is a screenshot of the conversation he had with a friend of mine.

Steve McChrystal SCAMMED

Monday 30 July 2018

Should you come across any accounts on Instagram or any other social media, gaming and/or dating platforms using images of this man then you know they are fake and the person behind them is going to groom you and prepare you for a financial scam of some sort or another.

The real guy in the image is former US Army General Stanley McChrystal.

jamesbrown407 SCAMMER

Monday 30 July 2018

And the next one for today is this guy   jamesbrown407

There is no need for a backstory with this guy either. As you can see the account here on Instagram is a fake and behind it is a scammer out to make money from you.

The real guy is former US Army General Stanley McChrystal.

Here is a screenshot of the conversation this scammer had with a friend of mine.  I am sure that you can tell that the owner of the account is a fake because of the way he writes to my friend also.

davidmaxwell71 SCAMMER

Monday 30 July 2018

And the next one for today is this guy   davidmaxwell71

There in no need for a backstory here we know that any account that has this guy's images is a fake account out for scamming money from you.

The real guy is Stephen Murphy an ex-Royal Navy officer from the UK.

And here are a couple of screenshots of the conversation this scammer had with a friend of mine.  Even without knowing this guy's images are stolen, just look at the conversation and you can see that you a chatting with a scammer.

albertlukas01 SCAMMER

Monday 30 July 2018

And the next one for today is this guy

There is no need for a backstory here because we have seen this exact image used with other known fake accounts on Instagram meaning that this one is fake also and out for a scam from you.  Judge for yourself with the following screenshots of his conversation with a friend of mine.  It really is just all a load of rubbish meant to tug at your heartstrings while he grooms you for cash by making you fall in love.

mikecollins121 SCAMMER

Monday 30 July 2018

And the next one for today is this guy  mikecollins121

There is no screenshot of his Instagram profile page but we have a couple of shots of his conversation with a friend of mine.  If you have seen and read other posts of mine on this blog, then, by now, you will be able to tell just by reading the messages he has sent that he is a fake.  They are very  long cut and paste posts that appear immediately with no time taken to type them out.  The style of writing is also a big give away. This is fake account out to scam you for money.

shah_michael_ SCAMMER

Monday 30 July 2018

And the next one for today is this guy

And there is no need for a backstory here.  The guy's images flood Instagram and are always associated with the fake accounts of those trying to scam you out of money.  Therefore this account is a fake one also so avoid avoid avoid!!

This is a guy called Polocsanyi Bela. 

williamwordsworth7111 SCAMMER

Monday 30 July 2018

And the next one for today is this guy

There is no backstory to this guy but he is included here because we have seen the man's face used many times here on Instagram and is known to be associated with fake accounts of scammers.  What follows is screenshots of photos he has added to his profile.  Take a very good look at them and laugh at the poor photoshopping of the head onto the body.