Monday, 17 September 2018

Ravan Bashirov SCAMMED

Monday 17 September 2018

If you are approached online by accounts using these photographs then you are being approached by fake accounts manned by scammers.

Th real guy in these pictures is Azerbaijani man Ravan Bashirov who appears to be a minor Azerbaijani celebrity and ex-football player now presenting TV and modelling.

Never approach the real man in the photos or his family.  Remember he is as much of a victim to the scammer as you are.  His pictures are used many times over to extort money from women such as us. Don't let the scammer win and stop funding their lifestyles.  Never send money, cards or tech to anyone who asks you online.  You are just helping to perpetuate the cycle.


  1. Hola soy española gustaría q haber si alguien me pudiese poner en contacto con Ravan por algo q me ha pasado

    1. I would never give you a way to contact Mr Bashirov. I am sorry but he knows about the scammers and he is powerless to do anything. There are scammed women who contact the real guy full of anger, bitterness, vengefulness, wanting their money back. I won't facilitate this I am afraid.

  2. I quite agree - this poor man's photos appear everywhere on the internet under false names created by scammers. I feel for him, his family and wife as this must be really quite distressing.

  3. He s a fraud..he use women's for anything be aware it..he s very bad

  4. I'd like you to remember please that Mr Bashirov is NOT a scammer. A person has stolen his images and is using them to generate fake accounts on Instagram and other platforms online. Be annoyed at the scammer and not the real man.

  5. I was contacted from someone who sent me his photos and asked me money It was a fraud I'have understood

    1. Hi they did to me too omg they ask me twice for $ they use he’s picture I found out today is fake I try alert other woman they using Fitbit also hangout ..
      They using fake email to reach me also on Fitbit appear Michael W .
      Sorry mr ravan they using your picture thanks god I didn’t get scam

  6. That's good that you realised it was fraud.

  7. Mr. Ravan não se importa com as vítimas, ele as chamam de "estupidas" e bloqueia de seu insta...

  8. I was also contacted by a person on Instagram with this gentleman's photo. when he told me his profession and which countries he used to visit I started to realize that something was wrong. so i started to talk to him more often so i could take my doubts. when i asked to talk to him on video call i realized for sure it was a fraud. when he realized that i was investigating and that i had already discovered the fraud, he blocked me. through the photos that were on fake Instagram I searched until I reached Mr. Ravanio and sent him a message to warn of this problem with his photos. but he never saw my message. I could see that there are dozens of fake Instagram accounts with his photos.

    1. Hi Julieta im reading you email I have a similar case they try to scam me with he’s picture and fake email thanks god they didn’t take any $ from me good luck we have to be careful

  9. Hallo!
    I am feeling glad to have found you! Also me I had a false contact with the photos of Ravan and his children. And I even found out, that there exist several facebook accounts with his fotos, for example Patrick Duvalier,Philippe Duvalier, Michel Tournois etc.
    To finish: the last time, I wanted to start a video-call on Whatsapp and for a little moment I saw a black skinned person.that has been the end!

  10. Sajnos jelenleg is rengeteg csaló használja Ravan Bashirov fotóit.Ez nem az ő hibája,visszaélnek a fotóival és videóval. Azt gondolom ő is áldozat ebben a kellemetlen helyzetben. Nem is értem hogyan is hibáztatthatja bárki is őt. Hisz nem ő csapott be bennünket!igen én is azt hittem hosszú ideig hogy vele ismerkedem és még videohivásban is láttam. Miután feltünt hogy nem franciául beszél a további videókon már nem volt hang.kutatni kezdtem a közösségi médiában és találtam olyan oldalakat ami bemutja fotó rablást. Természetesen az én szívem is összetört. Ha nézitek a fotókat és videóita közösségi oldalain látnotok kell hogy Ravan egy jó ember, aki szereti a családját és sokan szeretik és tisztelik az országában. Valószínűleg ezért is olyan népszerű. Azt gondolom tiszteletetben kell tartani a magánéletét és a családját! Egy jó tanács:ne engedjétek hogy a csalók összetörjék a sziveteket legyetek óvatosak, de hidjetek a szerelem csodájában. "A sors nem kételkedik istenben"

  11. Hola ! Yo tambien fui victima de fraude con las fotos del Sr. Ravan. Un tal paulgarnier53 uso sus fotos para iniciar un romance conmigo y luego me pidió dinero. Me dijo que vive en Aulan, Francia.

  12. hi, a guy named nelson from UK messaged me on instagram showing a profile of bashirov having no. +447404332521. he told me that he is sending me some gifts along 30000 pounds and he want me to receive the parcel by giving money first.
    it's a request to bashirov........ you should keep your account private or have some security of use pictures so that no one could misuse your identity

    1. Thanks for the information about the scammer you encountered. As to the keeping an account private etc. The photographs that are being used by the scammers vary in age - some are from a few years ago. Once the photos are out there being used there's not a lot that can be done by Mr Bashirov or others who have their images stolen. To be honest I don't think this is their fault at all. Blame the scammers who are the ones who happily steal identities and money from people.

  13. Bonjour les photos sont aussi utiliser sur Facebook par un certain Marck Antoine...

  14. That's interesting because another one of them is Michael Waite
