Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Dr Kerem Bıkmaz SCAMMED

Wednesday 10 October 2018

The name of the man in the following photographs is called Dr Kerem Bikmaz from Turkey.  He has his images used a lot to create fake accounts on Instagram and on all social media, online dating and gaming platforms.

The top two photos are of the real and genuine Instagram account of Dr Bikmaz, who is also a neurologist in a hospital and pain centre in Istanbul, Turkey.  As you can probably tell he is not a doctor for the military, for the UN and certainly not deployed to somewhere like Afghanistan, Iraq r Syria as a medic.

Please never send any cash, cards or tech to anyone who befriends you on the internet.  They are sure to be scammers out to steal your money and your self-esteem. Ladies we are the ones who have the power to change the scamming culture.  Become educated, say no, report and block anyone who you think is fake.  Do your research here on my blog and on my Instagram account @insta_scammers2018.  Minimum research is trying a reverse image search or ask for a video chat. The answer is no?  It's a scammer. Say no, report and block.


  1. I just had this happen to me, and I was more curious than fooled. I reported him to Instagram and posted this blog to instagram as a warning to other women. Such a shame, can you trust anyone these days!

    1. Photos of this man is scamming on Scrabble Go too. It's three of them in a short while. I have written to Dr Kerem to ask him if he can block his photos.

  2. His new name on Instagram is Peng Smith. He is a scammer. A very good one. He is also on Twitter with Dr Peng Smith 13

  3. yo le envié mucho dinero... caí como una estúpida

    1. Lo siento. Es una experiencia que no olvidaras. Nunca mandes dinero a nadie.

  4. As of yesterday, he is on instagram as David William7828, be careful ladies, already reported it

  5. There is Nigerian going under Travis Hollen using Dr.Kerems pics..fake be safe ladies.

  6. Unfortunately , I almost fell into this type of internet friendship myself although I knew better. Within the second day strange things happened such as the deleting of texts on messenger. It took me a few more days of research and investigation which had no information on the so called, "Noble James", so I blocked him and stopped all contacts with him. Nevertheless, I was still curious as to whose pictures he was using. Early this morning i found Dr. Bikmz' pictures connected to many scams. I wonder what can be done?

    1. There is a scammers site on Google. I report them all. Nine out of 10 people wanting to befriend you will be Nigerians using other peoples pics. They also have. Nerve to calm you. It's so obvious that they are Nigerian when you hear the back ground houses and the accent, it's quite laughable.. don't confront them, just report and block.

  7. He is also using the name David zailani using kerem,s pic on Facebook

  8. Recien me llego una invitacion en instagram, me parecio sospechoso, recien creada la cuenta, sin datos personales y 77 invitaciones a mujeres, creo que es la la misma persona, obviamente no conteste. Esta es la direccion de instagram que utiliza

  9. I was betrayed by him too. He said, he was Dr. David Rodovan, currently being as a Doctor in Israel in a Victory Camp and need a vacation. I did really heard fist with my heart but then I was really suspected and today morning I wanted to look through Internet and bang! found this one.

    1. He is also using the name,Mark Davis,among others. Said he was in Iraq,working forthe UN. No access to money etc. When challenged that he was using stolen photos, he said he was the real Dr Bikmaz but was using a false name to protect himself. All lies.

  10. now he is in wechat .. with name of andrew townsend. working in syria as doctor.

  11. Ayer me envío un mensaje en Instagram pero hoy me pidió el whatsApp y con duda lo intercambié pero luego investigando un poco, termine acá con mucha sorpresa y ya lo bloqueé por todos lados. Su teléfono es +3112 0513355 con el nombre de Kerem Bigmaz y el Instagram esta como bigmaz828.

  12. Ladies watch out for joshua barnes nickname palmer he's smooth talker and so sexy you melt I've lost everything cuz of this man he also goes by scott logan and jeffery emails 938 and 950 @ gmail I've plastered his face on facebook letting people know he's a scammer

  13. As of March 12th he is going by David Alex on facebook.I was able to figure him out when he sent me to the Hangouts app and ask for an iTunes card.REALLY?? A SUGEON MAKING OVER 2 GRAND A YEAR ASKING FOR A HUNDRED DOLLAR CARD !! I have booked him and changed my passwords until iget him reported.

    1. That's $200,000 a year. He states he is from Brazil,working as a military surgeon for the United Nations and you got it! Afghanistan. Also, a widower with a 14 year old son!David Alex .

    2. He told me his name was David alex and he needed 100.00 iTunes card to call his daughter. Well that's when I said bye faker.

  14. I'm sorry. I meant to say this David Alex CHARACTER is impersonating the good Dr.Kerem Bikmaz. Facebook does not
    EASY to Report scammers. I have blocked him and changed my passwords for the time being

  15. Hola, buenas noches, estuve hablando por 3 dias con el dr. Jason akito cirujano q estaba en un contrato en afganistan viudo, 2 hijas yo le segui el juego, y empece a pedirle foto vestido de medico, fotos de sus 2 hijas y de sus mascotas todo me lo envio, me fui a un portal de la onu estados unidos y ahi salio q eran estafadorea y robaban laa fotos, etc,
    Lo hice caer cuando me envio la ultima foto y me pidio una de mi persona, y le envie un texto insultandolo, y le envie unas fotos como estafador, con escritos federales q lo tenia pillado.
    Soy de chile, y consejo jamas entreguen dinero por amor sin saber quien es el q esta al otro lado de la pantalla.

  16. I am talking to a guy name Mervin Clark on facebook

    1. A person named 'Joe Crus ' is also using his image to try and scam people

  17. I had a guy named MD sahid aka Mervin Clark that freind request me in Febthe 22 on facebook

  18. Zoznámila som sa na Facebooku z človekom James Craig, používal foto pána dr.Kerem Bikmaz ,tiež ma pozval do hangous ,bol veľmi milý ,zaľúbila som sa do neho ,vlastne do fotografie až som prišla NATO že je podvodník veľa veci mip

    nesedeli a skladala som to ako pusle .milovala som vlastne op.dr

  19. A Facebook account under the name of Pravin B. Theodore is using Dr. Kerem’s photos and information. Something needs to be done to stop these fraudulent and malicious acts.

  20. Aha! Currently out as a Mark Williams from Freemont, CA. Curiosity got to me so I friended him and waited for four messages and the inevitable bad English. Keep aware ladies!

  21. Er schrieb mich gestern über Pinterest an, sein Name wäre Andrew aus Bistrol. Er lebe in Großbritannien und ist geschieden. Zur Zeit wäre er Syrien als Arzt. Sein Sohn Alex würde in London studieren.

  22. Vorsicht!!! Mich hat er als Marinearzt der Navi der un Norwegen stationiert ist angeschrieben. Will nach Deutschland heiraten

  23. There’s a guy named Steven or Stephen Allen who says he’s an Orthopedic doctor working in Syria for the UN and has a daughter, Cheri in boarding school and wife died of cancer/leukemia. He makes crazy promises to marry you and to buy a house together etc. He acts VERY RELIGIOUS but he’s a Fake! I’m seeing this guys name everywhere. Him and so many other scammers are using the good Dr Karem Bikmaz photos! Ladies if you are talking with a guy and he says this is his photo HE’S A SCAMMER & BEWARE! You’re actually talking to a creep sitting in some other country on a computer, making a killing by preying on innocent people.
