Tuesday 2 October 2018

Josh Porter SCAMMED

Tuesday 2 October 2018

And here is another genuine Paratrooper serving the American country well who has had his images and videos stolen.

If you are approached by anyone using these photos of Josh Porter be certain that it is a definite fake account manned by scammers.  Believe me when I tell you here that you are not going to be approached by the real guy at all so it is right to say no, report and block the account that is contacting you.

Please never approach the real person.  Remember that they are being scammed hundreds and hundreds of times everyday.  The person owes you nothing, they are more scammed each and every day than you have been and there is nothing they can do about it. They need our help to stop believing the nonsense the scammers tell us  and to stop sending the scammers what they ask us for.  The real guys also deserve our respect and their privacy.  They are very well aware of the issues around catfishing and scamming - remember they have real lives to lead and do not need you adding to stresses.

Please never send any cash, cards or tech to anyone who befriends you on the internet.  They are sure to be scammers out to steal your money and your self-esteem. Ladies we are the ones who have the power to change the scamming culture.  Become educated, say no, report and block anyone who you think is fake.  Do your research here on my blog and on my Instagram account @insta_scammers2018.  Minimum research is trying a reverse image search or ask for a video chat. The answer is no?  It's a scammer. Say no, report and block.


  1. very very sad I had this facebook calvin porter drove me nuts on facebook ,I feel so bad for this real soider Josh and families and good people getting scammed. But I was never asked for money or anything but love . All I can say its sad but I was smart I looked it up and military people are not really on facebook i posted alot about helping Josh stop these people. In feel bad for him and wife and son I pray people stop

    1. There are thousands of fake Porter accounts, so many that he really doesn't care anymore. The real guy is not married and doesn't have a child - that is just a lie told to you by the scammer.

  2. I been also scam with this pic i thought hes real one but after all i google i saw and read everything about him and hea telling he has a son

  3. Well someone using his photos are trying at this moment in time with they luck with me, going by the name of Johnson Ellis porter, seamed all OK until saying he's sending me a parcel, but a courier is sending emails saying I've got to pay 2000 dollars, well becos of some good friends I have seen sense n he can go jump

  4. This person is fishing the dating apps and Reddit. He claims to be Mason Porter, 40 yrs old and divorced 5 years. He also claims to be currently serving in Baghdad with a leave date of Feb 24th. He didn't ask for money but did mention needing a lot of support for a new business once he returns. I'm sure he has convinced many women of marriage and family, most would fall for this handsome military man. I can't see myself marrying someone I haven't even video chatted with if I meet him online nor do I believe military personnel are allowed to search for online romance while on foreign duty, not to mention the potential threat of hacks and you guessed it, bomb raids. Military spouses know that once their spouse is deployed, there's every possibility of no contact for months, no military related info is shared, even on leave. The separation is real, nothing romantic about the reality! Don't be afraid to ask the hard questions in a subtle way and yes, always do a reverse image search the moment photos are shared. Selfies don't look that good ladies. Too good to be true??? Why, yes.. yes it is. Lol

    I'm thinking he has a sob story everywhere he goes. He likely forms his story based off what sob story is being shared on dating sites. Not everyone needs to know you were dumped, don't open yourself up that way. Confidence scares these people and arrogance gives them fuel to pull the wool over your eyes.

  5. Has any any one heard of JoshPoter103 on tictoc he has been messaging me out of nowhere does this sound familiar

  6. I have resantly bean contacted by this profile on insagram and he posting as derrick porter. Wow he had fooled told me a story on how he is 9n a peace mission with the us in Syria. He said he was 40 and had a 8 year old boy. I'm so glad I good I was heartbroken when I found out how many times this person did this. He asked me to send him 2000 google play card our something why do men think it's ok to do this women who are desperate to find love sick how do I report this person

    1. You need to remember that person messaging you is NOT Josh Porter, the person is likely to be West African. These men are victims of identity theft and are used thousands of times every day with these fake accounts using them.
