Sunday, 26 July 2020

Fake Promotion Profiles

Today another of my followers sent me this fake account.

So, the question is, why is this account fake?

The answer simply is that there is no such promotion run by Samsung on Instagram.  So now you are asking what is the scam?  Well, you will be sent a message claiming that you have won a monetary sum or perhaps even a new piece of Samsung tech.  They will ask you for either:

1.  An administration fee in order to send you your prize.  Think about it.  You have won a prize.  They should cover the fee to send you your prize, not you.
2.  For bank account details to send you your winnings if it is a cash sum.  They want these for phishing and for operating other scams and perhaps to hack your account to have access to your money.
3.  They may ask for your home address and other personal details that could be used to generate fake accounts, apply for financial products such as loans, etc. 

In their communication with you, they may ask for all these things from you or just one of them.  Any account like this that has a person message you claiming you have won a promotion is fake.  Please remember that if it seems too good to be true then it is.

Leading on from this, you will also see on Instagram a lot of accounts that claim to be run by lottery winners from different countries.  These are all scams.  Think about it logically.  If you were to win a huge sum in your country's lottery would you set up an Instagram page and message random strangers from around the world and say that you are going to give them X amount of cash just because you want to get rid of it? No, I wouldn't and I am sure that you wouldn't either.  So you may well be asking, where is the scam here?  And the answer is the same as the promotion shown in the picture.  They will ask for personal details of yours, supposedly to send you the money, but really they are wanting those details to use for nefarious means.  They also may ask you to pay and administration fee.  If you pay it what happens?  Well, the scammers get richer, you get poorer and you don't receive what you are expecting to receive.  What you may get are more and more requests for money from the scammer plus threats to be sent. 

The easiest way to deal with these kinds of accounts when you come across them or if they want to follow you or message you, is to report them and block them immediately and just have no contact whatsoever.

1 comment:

  1. We need to ban together and let as many people possible of these activities. They all want money
